New York unfortunately experiences a higher theft and robbery rate than the rest of the country. As New York homes and businesses search for accommodating, effective security systems that are also budget-friendly, it’s pertinent to find the right solution that deters crime and robberies. Fortunately, safety and security film is the cost-effective solution that acts as a passive security system, effectively protecting the most vulnerable areas of any home or business– the glass doors and windows.

Benefits of Safety and Security Window Film for New York Homes and Businesses

Safety and security film protects your property and building occupants from numerous different threats including smash-and-grab robberies. With so many homes and storefronts experiencing smash-and-grab burglaries, security film deters this unfortunate event by improving glass’ shatter resistance and actually holding broken glass fragments together after any high impact event. This includes break-ins, natural disasters, freak accidents, and much more. By mitigating broken glass and flying debris hazards, the leading causes of blast-related deaths and considerable injury, you can rest assured knowing your New York property is safe even when you’re not there. Security film makes it extremely difficult for intruders and assailants to gain access to your property offering precious, additional response time.

Installation Process for Safety and Security Film in Your New York Home or Business

We like to begin every security film project with a security threat assessment, especially in larger projects like stadiums and arenas. This on-site assessment determines all your project goals, requirements, and expectations in addition to finding proper recommendations regarding attachment systems, security film thickness, and required glass strengthening agents. We utilize C-Bond glass strengthening agent for all security film installations ensuring prolonged product life and optimal glass strength.

For more information regarding safety and security window film for your New York home or business, please contact us or call: (347) 349-1320