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Window Tint for New York City Churches & Religious Sites

New York Commercial Window Film is proud to provide professional window tinting for churches, temples, and religious buildings in the New York City area. We are able to accomodate the needs of all types of religious structures and work on churches both new and old. Whether your goal is to add security, protect against uv damage, or make aesthetic alterations, we can provide you with the right window film to help you achieve the outcome you desire. Our team will happily meet with the board members of your church to discuss window tinting options and find the best solution for your building.

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Benefits of Window Tinting for Churches

Adding a window film to your church can provide many benefits for both your building and members. Window film helps keep out the New York City cold and heat, protecting occupant comfort year round. It can also heighten the security of your church, add decoration, and more. Here are just some of the many advantages of window tinting for churches:

  • Accident protection: Accidents are something that just happen. Golf balls, baseballs, construction equipment, or wind blown debris can easily shatter your windows. Window tint helps protect church windows from accidents and mitigates damage.
  • Safety/security: Public spaces like churches are more frequently becoming the targets of violent incidents. Security window tint can help keep your church safe from attacks, intrusion, and deadly explosions.
  • UV blocking: If your church contains valuable artwork or furnishings, you may want to consider uv blocking window tint. Uv blocking window tint prevents colors from fading and guards against 99.9% of uv rays.
  • Energy saving: Window tint provides churches with the ultimate energy saving solution. Window tint protects church buildings from harsh climate conditions and saves money on energy costs.


Get a Quote on Window Tint for Your New York City Church

Interested in window tinting for your New York City church? Give us a call. We are always happy to take on projects for new and returning clients. Call our office today to receive an estimate or schedule a free onsite consultation.